The project “Mr. Shoshani” - is a Snapshot Mobile phone photography series, Inspired by the wandering mysteries In his life, as a vagabond, Anonymous wanderer. The work process were Influenced by  A meeting between words and collages imagery from daily life that were shot by Cell Phones With the thought of producing meaninglessness in a clogged discourse.
Mr. Shoshani is man who lived as a ghost ,During the late nineties of the nineteenth century ,almost the stuff of legends. The teacher of famous Philosophers in post-World War II (Europe and elsewhere, including Emmanuel Levinas and Elie Wiesel.)  who admired him and were influenced greatly by him. Almost nothing is known of him, not even his real name or place of birth. Apparently a genius with an almost renaissance like knowledge of religion, science, mystic writings and languages, he spent his life in complete anonymity, a vagabond, travelling through various continents as a momentary visitor in this world.

“The first peg begins with a meeting between Hot water Black powder and a cup”